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About Us

Aries Design Pte Ltd has been in manufacturing promotional gifts in Singapore since 2010. We started off by bringing in a revolutionary photographic rubber stamp from Japan which has become a trend instantly. The rubber stamp was well received by anyone from kids to adults! We then added on our product range by bringing in button badges from Korea. The button badge series not only has pin backing but with magnetic functional backing, like magnetic memo clip and magnetic bottle opener. It is extremely suitable for promotions for all kinds of businesses.

We extended our product range further by getting in flat fridge magnets and promotional fans. Fridge magnets are essential and useful for many businesses. It is economical and yet customers will keep it for a long period. To increase the usefulness of the magnet, we have continued to create more magnetic products from the magnetic materials. Our range of magnetic items include magnetic bookmarks, magnetic memos, magnetic calendars, magnetic puzzles etc. As for our promotional fans, they are especially ideal for events!

Since all our products are produced locally and with a short production time, we are welcomed by a lot of companies! We are able to meet their tight schedules and we can accept small order quantity. Besides, we are very particular on the quality of our products. Therefore, the quality of our goods will not be compromised. Throughout the years, our customers have built up the confidence in us. We received a lots of compliments and through word of mouth, we have a bigger customer base!

We are truly grateful for our customers' support! We will definitely be providing more good quality products and services for our customer!


Our Customers
Bishan CC logoCGH logo Charlie Brown Cafe Logo Darul Ghufran Mosque LogoGarden By The Bay Logo marine parade town councilMINDEF logoMOE-logoMPA Singapore LogoNEA LOGOPAPSingaporean First LogoState Courts LogoPromised Land MOH logo nityo infotech logoSingapore Association For The Deafsocial playgroundSPCA singapore logoYum Cha LogoSanyo Logo MND Singapore Logo PPIS-logo Din Tai Fung LogoKhoo Teck Puat Hospital LogoPrime Minister of Singapore Logo Ace marketing logo HDB logo1South West CDC MDIS logo SMRT logo memories souvenirs   Numoni logo  National Population And Talent Division Logo  Logo- PHILIPSNew Blue Pantone 300C 2  yellow octopus  LTA Logo Singapore Prison Service logo Singapore Teachers Academy Logo Tan Tock Seng Hospital Logo  Coolair Logo ehomeservicesgobalroam GH Kith singapore-590x332-solas-logo-singapore-botanic-gardens gnum resident agents logo NOR Monfort Care super coffee logo singapore cancer societyNHGsignature music 


acorn logo   ACS white background  admiralty primary school logo  american international school  Anderson Primary School Logo   Ang Mo Kio Secondary Logo  bendemeer primary logoBukit Batok Secondary    Bukit Panjang Primary School Logo  Bukit West Primary School Logo buona vista secondary school  Catholic High LogoCHIJ Kellock   Concord Primary School Logo  Coral-Secondary-School Crescent Girls School Logo Damai Primary School Dunman Secondary logo  Edgefield Primary School Fairfield Methodist School Secondary crest Farrer Park Primary School FengShan Primary School Logo  Fernvale Primary School Logo Gan Eng Seng Primary School Logo   Girls Brigade Greendale-Logo May 08  Greenwood Primary School LogoHong Wen School Horizon Primary School Logoinformatics academy ITE-Logo-300x288   Jiemin Primary School Logo  JSSschlogo jurong secondary school   Kong Hwa School Logo  Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School Lakeside Primary School Logo  Loyang Primary School Logo  Loyang Secondary School Logo Maris Stella Primary School LogoMarymount convent school  Mee Toh School Logo  My First School Logo Nanyang Girls High LogoNorth View Primary School Logo Paya Lebar Mehodist Girl Logo Princess Elizabeth Primary School Logo Republic Polytechnic LogoSingapore Chinese Girls School Singapore Polytechnic  Temasek Polytechnics Logo Temasek Primary School Logo Yu Neng Primary School Logo  Monfort Junior School Logo nanyang primary schoolNational Junior College Naval Base Primary School Logo Naval Base Secondary School Logo  New Town Primary School LogoNexus International School LogoNorthland sec schntuc first camper Logo  NUS logo  nyp-nanyang-polytechnic  Pasir Panjang Secondary Logo   Pioneer Primary PS Crest - Final  Raffles girls primary school River Valley High School Serangoon Garden Secondary Logo  smu-logo-2Springfield Secondary School Logo St Andrews Junior School St Anthony Canossian Primary School Logo  St Hildas Secondary School Logo sutd logo schoolTanjong Katong SecTao Nan School Logoteck ghee primary logo  Teck Whye Secondary School Logo  Telok Kurau Primary School Logo  Unity Secondary School Logo-1 West Spring Secondary Westview Primary School Logowestwood primary school logoWestwood Secondary School Logo Xinmin Secondary School Logo Yew Tee Primary School Logo Yishun Primary logo Yu Neng Primary School Logo  Zhangde Primary School Logo  ZhengHua Primary School angsana primary school FTPPSsingapore khalifah youth



Ang  Associate Realty CH logo 20130408  CBRE realty LOGOCL-01DTZ New Logo-02 DWG NewLogo FullColour 1 Faber New Logo Final HMRealtyimage001KVM Real Estate Logo Logo Cum Coy Name  logo colour miracles realty group New ERA Logo 1 one-home-logo orangetee logoPropnex logo  remaxHIGH Savills Logo RGB sg condo ST Plus Logo - Master copy knight frank  LOGO copy SE Realtylogo-huttons Coldwell Bankergalogoaviva logo Logo  NTUC Income  Summit Planners


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